Events and workshops


There are no upcoming events or workshops.


Western Australia, International Law and the International Law Association

This in‑person event in Perth will examine different aspects of international law, its application in Western Australia, and the activities of the International Law Association. 

Three speakers, including Independent Examiner John Southalan will share their insights into how they use international law in their different roles.

You can register to attend on eventbrite.


United Nations Responsible Business and Human Rights Forum, Asia-Pacific – The Remedy Blueprint: Bridging gaps and accelerating access

The United Nations Responsible Business and Human Rights Forum (UN RBHR), Asia‑Pacific will be hosted in Bangkok, Thailand from 24–27 September. Please visit the UN RBHR Forum website for more information.

Sarah McGrath from Pillar Two, an organisation representing the business perspective on the AusNCP Governance and Advisory Board, will be speaking about the role of National Contact Points as a mechanism for remedy in the Asia Pacific region.

You can register to attend in person or watch sessions online.

Presentation to the University of Western Australia about the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct and the AusNCP

AusNCP Independent Examiner John Southalan presented to a seminar session for the post-graduate course ‘International Human Rights Law’ at the University of Western Australia in Perth.

The presentation gave an overview of the OECD Guidelines, NCP cases, and a summary of aspects relevant to business and human rights.


Asia Pacific Mediation Forum Conference

The conference theme is: Regional challenges, regional solutions, global outcomes: Using mediation to resolve the environment and climate change disputes

Shanta Martin, AusNCP Independent Examiner is travelling to Papua New Guinea to speak at the Asia Pacific Mediation Forum. Ms Martin will be representing the AusNCP, including speaking on a panel about the role of lawyers in climate change litigation and mediation. 

Please visit the APMF website for more information and the conference program. You can attend in person and online.

ACFID Connect: OCED Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct

AusNCP Independent Examiner Shanta Martin presented to the Australian Council for International Development.

The presentation gave an overview of the OECD Guidelines, the functions of the AusNCP, relevant NCP cases and discussed how the OECD Guidelines could apply to aid development organisations.

Business and Human Rights Lawyers Association Panel: Mandatory Human Rights (and Environmental) Due Diligence Obligations Under the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)

Independent Examiner Shanta Martin will be speaking on the Panel.

This panel discussion will discuss:

  • the extraterritorial scope of the CSDDD
  • the due diligence obligations the CSDDD imposes
  • Australia's current policy settings in relation to human rights due diligence
  • the impact of the CSDDD on the introduction of mandatory human rights due diligence obligations in Australia.

The panel discussion is free and attendance is in person only. The invitation [PDF 248KB] contains more information about the event and how to register.


OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains

This forum will cover longstanding and emerging priorities to foster responsible mineral supply chains.

Sessions will cover:

  • conflict risks
  • development minerals
  • regional sessions on gold supply chains
  • policy cohesion in an evolving regulatory landscape
  • role for responsible business conduct in government-to-government agreements on transition minerals.

Registration for online attendance is free.


OECD Forum on Due Diligence in the Garment and Footwear Sector

This forum will bring the public and private sector together to review progress on the implementation of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains in the Garment and Footwear Sector.

Registration is free.

OECD webinar: Scaling up credible business action on climate

This webinar will cover the 2023 changes to the Environment chapter of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct.

OECD webinar: Recoding our understanding of RBC in Science, Tech and Innovation

This webinar covered the 2023 changes to the Science, Technology and Innovation chapter of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct.

Available on Youtube.

Frankly Speaking – A podcast on Responsible Business: Allan Jorgensen: What the OECD Guidelines update means for responsible business

Head of the OECD Centre for RBC, Allan Jorgensen has joined Richard Howitt's podcast to talk about the recent update of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct. The podcast covers how the OECD Guidelines differentiate from other global tools, key changes relating to environment and climate change, and how they can help business take ownership of their value chain and potential adverse impacts.

Available on Spotify and Apple.

UN GCNA 2023 Australian Dialogue on Business and Human Rights

The Dialogue brings together representatives from Australian business, government, civil society, academia and the investor community to collaborate on the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the UN Global Compact Ten Principles.

AusNCP Senior Official, Mr Tom Dickson and Independent Examiner, Ms Shanta Martin will be panellists.

Webinar - Updated OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct

The OECD has launched updated Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct (OECD Guidelines). The 2023 update addresses responsible business conduct developments including climate change, biodiversity, technology, business integrity and supply chain due diligence.

This OECD forum will cover what has changed in the recent update of the OECD Guidelines and why it matters.

This event is of interest to business, civil society, trade unions and government.

Register now for the 6pm or 11pm AEST sessions.


OECD Forum on Green Finance and Investment

This forum will bring the public and private sector together to foster discussion on accelerating policy action to target sustainable finance issues.


2023 OECD Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum

The livestreamed forum will bring the public and private sector together to explore opportunities to strengthen integrity and bolster international action against corruption.

Registration is free.


OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains

The Forum sessions will cover combatting corruption, engaging with communities in high-risk areas and undertaking due diligence.

This forum will be livestreamed.

Human Rights Resources and Energy Collaborative

AusNCP Independent Examiner John Southalan presented to a meeting of the Human Rights Resource and Energy Collaborative in Perth.

The presentation gave an overview of the OECD Guidelines, NCP cases, and a summary of aspects relevant to the resources sector.


9th OECD Forum on Due Diligence in the Garment and Footwear Sector

The Forum brings together representatives of government, business, trade unions and civil society to review progress on the implementation of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains in the Garment and Footwear Sector   to address emerging risks and to share learnings on implementing due diligence across geographies in a neutral environment.

The OECD Guidelines and Environmentally Responsible Business Conduct

AusNCP Independent Examiner John Southalan presented at a workshop organised by the National Environmental Law Association (WA) and Curtin Law School in Perth.

The workshop provided an overview of the application of the OECD Guidelines to cases involving environmental issues and examines the practicalities of a complaint to the AusNCP.

Business and human rights in practice: Webinar for legal practitioners on Australia’s unique complaints mechanism

An increasing number of human rights complaints about multinational enterprises are being brought to the Australian National Contact Point for Responsible Business Conduct (AusNCP).

AusNCP Independent Examiner and barrister, Shanta Martin, presented a webinar covering what makes the AusNCP structure and process unique, how it works, current complaint trends and outcomes, and factors to consider when practitioners are faced with a case that could lead to a complaint under the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

2022 State Conference of National Environmental Law Association (WA)

AusNCP Independent Examiner John Southalan presented at the Western Australia State Conference of the National Environmental Law Association. In a session on Climate Change and Policy, Mr Southalan gave an overview of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and environmental aspects of responsible business conduct.

OECD Forum on Resilient Supply Chains

The Forum targeted the public and private sectors to build greater supply chain resilience and allow discussions between stakeholders to explore the benefits and risks of globalisation.


9th OECD Forum on Green Finance and Investment

The Forum targeted the public and private sectors to discuss actions toward sustainable finance issues. This year’s theme is “Moving from commitments to actions in the decade for delivery: towards impactful green and sustainable finance”.


15th OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains

Hosted by the OECD, the Forum reviewed progress on the implementation of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict‑Affected and High-Risk Areas   and other initiatives to enable responsible mineral production and sourcing.

The Forum had a particular focus on critical minerals and the supply chain due diligence necessary for critical minerals to contribute to a just low‑carbon transition.

ESG Issues for Business: Implications of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

The AusNCP, Norton Rose Fulbright and The University of Western Australia hosted a webinar on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues for business. The webinar covered what the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises mean for businesses operating in, or from, Australia, and the AusNCP complaints process.


OECD Forum on Due Diligence in the Garment and Footwear Sector

The Forum brings together representatives of government, business, trade unions and civil society to review progress on the implementation of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains in the Garment and Footwear Sector [PDF 2.0MB]   to address emerging risks and to share learnings on implementing due diligence across geographies in a neutral environment.

OECD Public Consultation for the draft Recommendation on the Role of Governments in promoting RBC

The draft OECD Recommendation focuses on the ways in which governments can drive, support or promote responsible business practices. The draft (non‑legally binding) Recommendation brings together existing OECD legal instruments and other guidance into a single document. The OECD launched a public consultation which closed on 16 January 2022 to ensure that the draft Recommendation benefits from the views and experiences of all relevant stakeholders.

The AusNCP complaints process - webinar for legal practitioners

The AusNCP hosted a webinar for legal practitioners on Thursday 21 October. The webinar covered how the AusNCP complaints process works under the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, including good offices conciliation and confidentiality processes, and role of the Independent Examiner. The webinar was presented by John Southalan, AusNCP Independent Examiner and the AusNCP Secretariat.