Governance and Advisory Board

The AusNCP Governance and Advisory Board provides independent advice and assistance to the AusNCP and the independent examiners. It focuses on complaints handling and promoting responsible business conduct standards under the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct (OECD Guidelines).

The Board helps to ensure that the AusNCP is visible, accessible, transparent and accountable, in accordance with Australia’s obligations under the OECD Guidelines.

The Board meets biannually.

Member responsibilities 

Board members provide independent and impartial advice drawing on expertise, organisations and networks.

AusNCP Board members use their own networks, events and publications to promote responsible business conduct standards under the OECD Guidelines and the AusNCP’s services. 

Members may conduct procedural reviews of AusNCP complaints and operational and administrative matters as needed. 


The Board includes representatives from:

  • the Australian Government (8 members)
  • business, civil society, and trade unions (8 members).

Membership as at July 2024:

Chairperson and Secretariat

Name Role Organisation
Mr Tom Dickson Senior Executive Officer
Chair, AusNCP Board
AusNCP Secretariat   AusNCP


Name Role Organisation
Ms Ayesha Nawaz Assistant Secretary
Human Rights Branch
Attorney‑General’s Department*
Ms Miranda Lello General Manager
Policy and Portfolio Strategy Branch
Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water*
Mr Richard Emerson‑Elliot Assistant Secretary, Free Trade Agreement Goods Branch Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade*
Ms Katherine Stevens Deputy General Counsel
Enterprise & Board Secretary
Export Finance Australia*
Mr David Tonkin Chief Counsel of Legal
Procurement and Fraud
Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade)*
Commissioner Lorraine Finlay Human Rights Commissioner Australian Human Rights Commission*
Ms Alison Drury General Manager
Trade and International Branch
Department of Industry, Science and Resources*

Non‑government – business

Name Role Organisation
Ms Vanessa Zimmerman Chief Executive Officer Pillar Two*
Mr Peter Grist Director of Economics
Industry and Sustainability
Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry*
Proxy: Mr Pero Stojanovski Deputy Chief Economist Business Council of Australia*
Proxy: Ms Fiona Reynolds Chair UN Global Compact Network Australia

Non‑government – civil society and trade unions

Name Role Organisation
Ms Clare Middlemas International Officer Australian Council of Trade Unions*
Ms Lauren Zanetti Senior Lawyer Human Rights Law Centre
Member Australian Corporate Accountability Network*
Proxy: Ms Serena Lillywhite Independent Member Independent civil society expert
Proxy: Ms Larissa Harrison Deputy Director United Workers Union


Name Role Organisation
Mr John Southalan AusNCP Independent Examiner AusNCP*
Ms Shanta Martin AusNCP Independent Examiner AusNCP*
Ms Shiv Martin AusNCP Independent Examiner AusNCP*
Ms Aleta Moriarty AusNCP Independent Examiner AusNCP*

* Organisation with permanent representation on the Board


Terms of Reference

