Privacy collection notice

The Australian National Contact Point for Responsible Business Conduct (AusNCP) offers a mechanism to help parties resolve conflicts concerning allegations of non-observance of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. The Department of the Treasury acts as the secretariat for the AusNCP.

Any personal information you submit in your complaint will be collected for the purpose of progressing your complaint. If you do not provide sufficient details, we may not be able to progress your complaint.

Any personal information you submit, including sensitive information, may be disclosed to the following:

  • the multinational entity you are making a complaint against
  • the independent examiner
  • the AusNCP secretariat staff
  • the AusNCP Governance and Advisory Board
  • the general public in the Independent Examiner's published Initial Assessment and Final Statement which may draw on, or extract information you have submitted in your complaint.

Any personal information you submit may be also disclosed to relevant multinational entities overseas. Australian Privacy Principle (APP) 8.1 requires the Treasury to take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to ensure the overseas recipient does not breach the APPs. APP 8.1 will not apply to overseas disclosure if the individual to whom the information relates, provides consent that APP 8.1 will not apply.

In submitting this complaint, you are consenting to the disclosure of your personal information overseas and that APP 8.1 will not apply to the disclosure.

The AusNCP complaint procedures [PDF 2.4MB | Word 286KB] (3.5) allow anonymous filing of complaints via a third party in certain circumstances, such as where there may be risks to the personal safety of the notifier and/or the threat or risk of reprisals. Notifiers acting on behalf of others should be able to demonstrate their authority to do so and to show evidence of the need for anonymity of the affected party. This Privacy Notice applies to the AusNCP collection and holding of sensitive information.

For further information, including how to request access to or correct your personal information, or how to make a privacy complaint, please refer to the Treasury’s privacy policy  .

If you have any concerns regarding the above or wish to enquire about remaining anonymous in your complaint, please contact the AusNCP Secretariat before you submit your complaint.


If you have an enquiry, please contact the AusNCP via:


Call: +61 2 6263 2224